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 EMAIL us at hiddenvalleywildhorses@gmail.com
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To report injured or at risk Virginia Range wild horses, call 775-352-3944
To assure prompt response time, please do not use email or social media to report injured or at risk horses.

How We Got Started

Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund (HVWHPF) started over 30 years ago as a close knit group of guys and gals who volunteered their time to protect the wild horses roaming the hills of Hidden Valley, a residential development in Reno, Nevada, nestled against the Virginia Range. The volunteers implemented what soon came to be known as a “model program” to keep the horses away from homes and dangerous roadways. As new neighborhoods grew to the south, our focus of operations expanded as did our volunteer base. We became a registered 501(c)3 Nevada non-profit corporation in 2008 and continue to operate as an all-volunteer organization. We depend solely on the generous contributions of those who support our mission. The fall of 2012 found the Nevada Department of Agriculture removing horses from the land they had grazed for generations. 149 of our beloved equine friends were sent to a Nevada livestock auction frequented by “kill” buyers who purchase for low prices then transport the horses to slaughter in Mexico or Canada. A coalition of wild horse organizations, all friends of the Virginia Range horses, united to rescue each and every one. Spearheaded by Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund, the coalition was successful in its rescue efforts. We continue to fight for our beloved herd as a united front with our Wild Horse Advocates of Northern Nevada partner organizations (www.whann.org) to prevent another such occurrence.

Our Mission

Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund (HVWHPF) is a non-profit 501(c)3, all volunteer organization founded over 30 years ago and incorporated in 2008 to protect the free roaming wild horses of Nevada’s Virginia Range.  Our Federal Tax ID#80-0208865.

In 2012 HVWHPF, backed by American Wild Horse Campaign and a coalition of wild horse organizations and individual donations, were able to purchase 149 horses (many pregnant) that had been removed from the range by the State of Nevada to keep them from being purchased to ship for slaughter.

HVWHPF continues to work to protect horses still in the wild on the range, as well as caring for and seeking safe adoptive homes for its rescued horses.  HVWHPF, in conjunction with Equine Legacy Ranch, is currently building a 685 acre preserve called The Haven – A Wild Horse Sanctuary, where these horses can live out their lives with love and compassion.

Board of Directors

President - Shannon Windle

Shannon Windle became President of HVWHPF in 2010. When Shannon discovered the plight of the Virginia Range horses she went all in. She helpfully brings her Business Analyst background to HVWHPF and currently owns Foothill Feed & Mercantile in South Reno. She is an absolutely tireless, 24/7, champion of both the rescued horses in HVWHPF’s care and the wild ones still on the range.

Margie Rick

Margie Rick has spent thousands of hours volunteering, hands-on with the HVWHPF rescues and for the Virginia Range wild horses. Margie was a high school teacher in Washoe County for 16 years and is now a business partner at Foothill Feed & Mercantile. Her science background and broad knowledge of not only the horses but of all the pieces that fit together in their environment is invaluable.

Ellen Holcomb

Ellen Holcomb has been involved with the Virginia Range wild horses and the fight to protect them for years. Her historical knowledge of these horses over the years, including individual bands and horses is astounding and incredibly important in our mission. She is owner of Sundance Digital Studios and an amazing resource for photography and graphics of our rescues and wild ones. Ellen graciously donated the use of her award winning photograph that adorns the Nevada “Historic Virginia Range Mustangs” license plate.

Board Member in Transition

Coming Soon


EMAIL us at hiddenvalleywildhorses@gmail.com

 Send mail to:
PO Box 20052
Reno, NV 89515

Donations can also be dropped off at or mailed to    1330 Geiger Grade Road, Reno NV 89521-8443

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