Funding Priorities

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As an all volunteer, Nevada nonprofit organization headquartered in Reno, NV, what we do is only made possible through the generous giving of our supporters. Our current funding priorities are listed below.

If you are a company, corporation, foundation or individual interested in helping HVWHPF, you can make tremendous things happen with a grant towards our program services.

We have had incredible participation from our supporters with matching grants, as they’ve stepped up to help us double grants/donations. 


Hay. Fencing. Equipment. Infrastructure.


“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.” -Kathy Calvin

Hay – an ongoing priority

Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund is the largest horse rescue in the Reno, Nevada area. We are currently caring for and feeding 145 horses (geldings and mares). We are currently fortunate enough to have access to spring and early summer grazing pasture for the smaller of our two rescued horse herds. However, the larger herd feeding season is year round, and the smaller herd feeding season is fall through late spring. 
Of critical concern is how our donor’s funds are spent and ensuring we get the best possible use of those funds. We make every effort to maximize our buying power by purchasing large quantities of hay at one time. Purchasing directly from our local farmers is also an added benefit to our community. Buying in bulk and locally also helps to keep the cost of our hay delivery to a minimum.

We purchase “big bales” – large rectangular bales weighing 1,000 – 1,400 pounds –  whenever we can. This type of bulk buying significantly reduces the price of the hay. However times of wet or snowy weather, getting a truck and trailer into the soggy fields with that much weight isn’t always possible, so during those times we must feed smaller “regular” size bales. 

VR Mustangs Haven Needs

VR Mustangs Haven Fencing: 
Equine Legacy Ranch purchased over 650 acres of property north of Spanish Springs in 2017 that will become home to the Virginia Range Mustangs Haven, home to all of the rescues in our care!

This will also be a place where some of the older horses will be able to live their lives in peace and safety. We also know that a certain number of at risk horses will be removed from the range each year. These horses will benefit from a wonderful transitional home while they are being gentled and trained for life with humans once we get our current numbers reduced through adoption.

Fencing materials are a priority to ready the property for the horses. Every dollar that goes toward fencing materials brings us closer to that goal. 

VR Mustangs Haven Equipment & Infrastructure: 
To become a fully operational and responsible home for the rescues, we are working towards much needed and vital pieces of equipment.

— Large Hay Bale Squeeze Tractor – or tractor with lift attachments – needed for moving big bales from storage, to the feeding stations in the fields.

— Four, 3-sided metal shelters for training/separation paddocks

— 2,500 gallon water tank

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