You have a voice that deserves to be heard.

And you have a right to be heard.

You can use your voice for America’s wild horses and burros, both those managed by the federal government via the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and those here in Nevada that are not on federal lands but on state or private land and managed by the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA). 

Let our government leaders know that you love our wild ones and you want our wild horses and burros to stay wild and managed humanely on the range. Let them know that you will vote in a way to ensure our wilds are afforded the protections they deserve and often have already been granted but are now being threatened. Mass round ups, mass removals, long term holding, and auctioned for slaughter are NOT the answers. And let them know you want the land they inhabit to be protected as well. 

Use the following links to find and contact your representatives and leaders anytime you want to be heard, but especially when wild horse and burro issues come up for legislation and rule changes. 

US Legislators: Use this link to find your U.S. Senators and Representatives. (You can also use it to find state and local officials.) Click HERE

Nevada State Legislators:
Click HERE
Assembly: Click HERE

Nevada Governor: Click HERE

Nevada Department of Agriculture: Click HERE for their site.
For specific messages regarding the Virginia Range wild horses we will add information on the message and where to send it as needed.

Other helpful partner links:

Wild Horse Alliance of Northern Nevada
Local organizations united and driven by a single goal: to protect and preserve our iconic wild horses for future generations.

American Wild Horse Campaign
American Wild Horse Campaign is an organization withe goal to protect America’s wild horses and burros. Their site provides updated information on important issues regarding wild horses.

The Cloud Foundation
The Cloud Foundation is an organization dedicated to protecting and preserving America’s wild horses and burros. Their site provides updated information on important issues regarding wild horses.

Wild Horse Preservation League of Northern Nevada
Wild horses are our Western Heritage. This organization reports on efforts to save the remaining majestic animals that roam the wide open spaces.

Least Resistance Training Concepts – Wild Horse
Support with skills and knowledge for wild horse adopters in Northern Nevada.

Terri Farley
Author of Wild at Heart (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING) and wild horse information.

Oppose Horse Slaughter 

The Safeguard American Food Exports or SAFE Act was reintroduced Monday, February 4, 2019 as H.R. 961 by U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.). The SAFE Act would permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States and end the export of horses for slaughter in neighboring countries or abroad.

The current language we fight for in the Appropriations Bills each year simply defunds inspection for horse meat, thereby keeping slaughter from happening in the U.S. It does not ban it. And it does not forbid the shipment of American horses over the border to be slaughtered for their meat. Passing of the SAFE Act would change that once and for all.

You can follow the progress of this Bill by clicking HERE. It lists all the cosponsors that have signed on. If your Rep is on the list, please email them a thank you (or better yet, call their office and leave that message). It also lists actions and other useful information, just use the tabs provided.

If your Rep is NOT on this list, PLEASE ACT NOW. Call AND email their office and politely ask them to join as a co-sponsor of the bill. Let them know you oppose horse slaughter for consumption in the U.S. as well as the export of American horses for slaughter.

There may be more actions you can take down the road, but PLEASE start with this.

You can find your U.S. Representatives by clicking HERE – put in your zip code and hit enter. Then click on your Representative’s name to be taken to their website. Follow their Contact information listed.

Please do not be afraid to call! A polite person (whose job it is to take your call) will answer and take your name, location, and message. That’s it! Easy! If you miss office hours, you can leave a voice mail. Be sure to clearly state and spell your name, give your address to verify you are a constituent, and leave your message. Please remember to always be polite if you want to be heard!


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